Our first week

This page is a place where we'll share our daily school activities with our school partners from all over the world. We are part in a Connecting Classrooms Project by British Council. The project started on 19th march 2012.

Hi, we are a group of three girls and we are in the same class at VITTORIO VENETO school, in Latina.
Our names are Silvia Cavalieri, Sonia Stefanelli and  Elisa Quattrini.
At the moment, our task in this project is to write a report on Monday 19th March and we have written a paragraph each.
Well, at 8.10 we start with a Spanish lesson. We usually speak in Spanish during the lesson. We like this subject because it’s very funny speaking another language. Our  teacher has given us back our tests and unfortunately the marks have been very bad! (Silvia)
At 9.10 we have PY (physical education). In my school there is a big gym where we can run, jump and have fun. It is well equipped. At 10.10 we have Physics. During this lesson we are very concentrated, because it’s a difficult subject, but we’re good at it. (Sonia)

At 11.10 after a short break we have an English lesson. Like in the Spanish class, we talk with our teacher in English, and we have fun.
But today there is something new! We have to create a blog. Its name is: “MY DAILY BLOG”.
We’ll create it into the lab with our English teacher.

In our school there are a lot of laboratories.
At 12.10 the last lesson starts and we have Italian grammar. During this lesson we do a lot of exercise. (Elisa)
Our Literature teacher at the whiteboard

 Silvia S. and Narcisa are following our teacher's instruction

Mauro is concentrated in reading the exercise

20th march 2012
We are Italian-Guys, a group of students that have joined an international project with their English teacher Giovanna Tanzillo. In this group everyone has a specific task, that is to write a report about our school day. Each group has a different day of the week and ours is Tuesday 20/03/2012. We are two boys, our names are Mauro Lombardi and Luca Quattrini. (You can see our photo in the other page where we introduce ourselves)

On Tuesday we usually have six periods, from 8:10 to 14:10. The first lesson is Physical Education. When we have it we usually go to the school gym, but today we are in the class because in the gym there is a theatre activity.
 At 9:10 when the first class is over, we’re going to the school gym to take part in that activity. It is a musical called ‘Chicago’. The show is completely in English and we play a part in it: we were actors for a while! It was amazing!

Then we go back to the class and have our lesson of Maths with our teacher Gentile and then Litarature with Mrs Piroli who introduces  a new topic. The last period is Spanish with Mrs Nalli.

At ten past two p.m. we all are out of the school ready to come back home.

Today is Thursday 22nd march and  our school day starts with a Spanish lesson, with teacher Mrs Nalli. She gave us back the tests with corrections and explained the mistakes we have made. Then we have a double period of Math with Mrs Gentile and we have done a lot of exercises. During her class we usually work hard. Math is interesting but difficult as well. Before the Geography class with Mrs. Milita, we usually have a short break, about 10 minutes and we can go to the vending machine and buy something to eat and drink. There are three vending machines in a room downstairs. (LUCA S.)

After the break we have a Geography class and today we have a test. It's enough difficult. The last class is Economics with Mrs Macera. The teacher has given us back the tests with corrections. On Thursday we usually have six periods but today we have only five because our teacher of Law, Mr Sanchioni is absent. So our school day finishes a bit earlier than usual. And we are very happy! (GIANLUIGI)

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Saturday 24th march by Valentina, Narcisa e Silvia S

Our school day on Saturday morning starts at ten past eight and finishes at ten past one.

 The first lesson we have is Science.  The teacher tells  us about:
- Excavation of glacial lakes
- The crater lakes
- Tectonic lakes
- Karst lakes
  Finally, she introduces us the structure of lakes and glacier.
Before her class finishes,  she asks us if we have understood the topic and if we have problems she tries to explain it in a different way.

This is our teacher of Science and Geography Mrs Milita

At 9.10 for our second class we have Physics and today we are going to the Aula Magna  to do it.

It’s a very beautiful room but we’ll tell you about it next time :) .  The test is done by all the 9th grade students.

We also have our third class in this place with our teacher mrs Macera . She teaches Economics.
The topic of today lesson is: Sale.
Well, what is a sale?
A sale is a contract whereby the buyer and seller exchange goods and services by paying a price.

Here you can see some slides of the powerpoint presentation
she is showing us on the Smartboard.

The fourth lesson we have is Math. Our teacher introduces mathematical products and the square trinomials.

The last class is Physics. Our teacher introduces the topic about energy.
Our teacher of Physics

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Friday, 23th.

Today we went to school at 8.00. The lessons started at 8.10.

For the first class we went to laboratory for a lesson of  information technology, with our  teacher Polli and we did a class test.

Our second class was English. Today our teacher has brought a table game that in Italian we call it “gioco dell’oca”. Some of us played it. Our teacher used it to test our skill in speaking English. That’s a nice way to learn and have fun J. (Lucrezia)

Then we had a double period with our  Italian teacher. When we have a double period of the same subject, our teacher prefer dividing it introducing two different topics. So we studied history and grammar. As regard history we are studying the Persian empire while in grammar we are studying  descriptive narrative. (Ludovica)

The last hour we had religion. In these hours we are working on multidisciplinary project about the word  apple’. We have already worked with our Italian teacher and we have written some stories about this topic. It has been very interesting. Our teacher has formed a commission to vote the best story and it will be part of a final multimedia work. With our teacher of religion  We also worked on some posters to represent  various stories about the apple. He is very happy with the work we have done.

The lessons finished at 13.10 (Sharon)

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